Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Jack and Annie's adventure

This week, we have started to read "A Knight at Dawn," and we have begun to dramatize the story, adding 1 chapter each day. The cliffhangers at the end of each chapter really leave us wanting to read more!

It's quite a challenge to remember the sequence of events in a chapter book, but we are working with our team members to remember the important parts of the story. The director has an important role in dramatization- he or she holds a special book with the pictures from the days' chapters, and the team uses this to help remember what happens in each part. The sound effects role is also important- he or she is in charge of making noises like climbing up the ladder, the treehouse spinning, or the voices of the other characters like the knight riding the horse. Ask your child was his or her role was in today's dramatization. 

We have turned our play kitchen into a castle, too! Each day at choice time we take turns to play in the castle- it is amazing how much knowledge is being dramatized during choice time! today, the servants were eating leftover food from the feast and making faces, saying they wish they could eat the fresh food like the royalty! Minstrels and jesters entertained the royals at the feats, while the guards were protecting the castle, pulling up the drawbridge when they saw enemies approach. 

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