Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Welcome to the ocean!

Apparently this never published- so sorry about that!

We are deep into our ocean adventure with Jack and Annie! Here are some things we have been working on:

Scuba divers

Ocean science stations
Exploring different kinds of shells

Sorting univalves and bivalves

Exploring various kinds of coral

Looking at tiny whelk shells from egg cases

Horse shoe crabs

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


In science lab today, we read Bartholomew and the oobleck by Dr. Seuss.

In this story, the king is tired of regular weather in his kingdom, and he asks his magicians to make something else fall from the sky. they create oobleck! It starts falling in small balls, but the. Starts to stick to everything- birds' nests, the royal bell, and inside the royal trumpeter's trumpet! Bartholomew tries to warn the people, but oobleck keeps getting in his way. We paused the story at this part to make oobleck and feel exactly what oobleck is! Partnerships mixed cornstarch with green water, and this is what happened:

We made some great observations during our science lab- what was yours?

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Space mobiles

On Friday, we made space mobiles with partners. We brainstormed a list of space words that children could make to put on their mobiles and partners drew a plan of what their mobile would look like. They had to agree on 6 items that they would make, and here are the amazing results!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Astronaut training camp!

For science lab today, we trained at space stations to become astronauts! What was your favorite spot?

Taste test- astronaut ice cream and strawberries! Did it look like ice cream we usually eat? Are there freezers on spaceships?

Fixing the space ship to get back to planet kindergarten! It was hard with gloves on- how do astronauts do it!

Testing out parachutes- how did you get the man to land safely?

Walking on "the moon." How did it feel to have sponges on your feet? How might it be similar to walking on the moon?

Assembling a space shuttle!