Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Graphics practice

Graphics practice is a time during the day when we practice fine motor skills using whiteboards and private speech. We begin with simple shapes and move into more complex shapes, then into forming letters and numbers using these shapes. There is an imaginative story that goes along with each shape each day, and a word that children say to remind their hand what to draw. We began by learning how to take out all of our whiteboard materials and how to use them safely in a large group on the rug. We practiced drawing simple dots on our whiteboard, which we imagined was rain falling. Today, we imagined a large field of grass and made blades of grass on our whiteboards. For each blade, children used private speech and said, "down, down, down" as they made each stroke. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for these blog entries! It is great to see what is going on in the classroom!

    -Christina Roberts
