Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Math games

Some of our math centers for the week:

Shapes puzzles- this is a counting game where children guess how many cubes a shape can hold. They then place cubes on the shape and count together. They can place their shape on the check sheet to see if they were right. This game is a great way to teach one to one counting, organization, and rote sequence of numbers. 
Bingo minus -1. Children roll a die and subtract one. They then cross out the corresponding numeral or dot sequence. This was much easier for our class than I anticipated! 

Dominos- a great game to play at home! Children begin with one domino and each take a turn adding onto the structure by matching dot faces. As a culminating task, children can count and record how many "9" faces, how many "8" faces etc. 

Patterns with motion cards- each child took a turn making a complicated pattern and the group executed the movements. 

Some creative venger shape can do's! 

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