Thursday, September 11, 2014

New activities

We have been learning so many new activities this week! Ask your child about this's a class favorite! It builds self regulation, body awareness, and control in a very fun way!

Today, we learned how to do an activity called buddy reading. Everyone can read pictures! One person has a role card with lips on it (the reader) and one person has the role card with ears on it (the listener). Children take turns reading the pictures to one another, telling what they notice, what they think will happen, or what they like about the story. Just learning how to sit with a partner, how to get your book, where to put the role's a lot of steps! 

We have also begun graphics practice, a time of the day where we use language and writing to work on fine motor and penmanship. Right now, we begin the year by working on shapes and lines that we will later use to make letters and numbers. I tell a mini story about the shape, and the children visualize the story in their brain. Today we worked on sticks that the three little pigs saw floating in a river. Children say "across" as they make sticks on their boards. Just learning the process of how to get the whiteboard materials was a huge accomplishment! 

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